Four crucial initiatives for 200 children and their family
The Children’s Foundation of Vaudreuil-Soulanges is pleased to share its commitment to the Prenatal and Young Family Center, with a generous contribution of $38,500. This precious sum is intended to support four crucial initiatives, directly affecting the lives of 200 children aged 12 months to 8 years, as well as their family.
The projects receiving our grant are designed to meet the specific needs of children and their parents, focusing on inclusion and support in an adapted learning environment.
♥️Workshops Mommy, Daddy, I’m going to Kindergarden offers a warm, interactive learning space for children aged 3 to 5, and their parents. These workshops aim to prepare children who do not attend daycare services, as well as children from recent immigrant backgrounds and their families, for this important stage in their school lives.
♥️Ateliers Sing Along use nursery rhymes and games to help children aged 4 to 7 and their parents learn French. This playful approach aims to facilitate the linguistic integration of children and their families, while strengthening intergenerational and social ties.
♥️Ateliers literacy and math workshops offer a stimulating learning opportunity for children aged 12 months to 8 years. The workshops, entitled Travelling through words, take place in schools, at the Prenatal and Young Family Center and in parks during the summer. They highlight the crucial importance of books in a child’s overall development, providing equitable access to quality educational resources.
♥️Summer Project I am taking roots in my community is specially designed for children aged 4 to 6 from recent immigrant backgrounds. These workshops provide essential support to children as they prepare for the transition to kindergarten, and to their parents by familiarizing them with available local resources. The aim is their successful integration into the community.
The Children’s Foundation of Vaudreuil-Soulanges thus reaffirms its commitment to contributing to the educational and social success of all children in the region. With a vision of equal opportunity, it continues to provide vital resources to support the holistic development of every child.

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Your donation makes a difference!
There’s an old saying that it takes a village to raise a child. At the Children’s Foundation of Vaudreuil-Soulanges, we believe that joining forces is an important source of change in our community. The FEVS supports prevention efforts to ensure that all children in our region have the right to dream and succeed. Let’s not underestimate the importance of giving. Together, let’s help children become.
Giving is receiving.
Our children are our future.

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3031 De la Gare Boul.,
Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC J7V 9R2
450 455-6171 #70662