From dream to reality

Last June, two pavilions of Papillon BleuPavillon St-Jean-BaptisteandPavillon Ste-Trinité — asked us to support the acquisition of certain equipment to meet the needs of their learning assistance classes.

The teachers of the students concerned sent us a dream list for their school.

The items on the list were for anxiety management such as noise-cancelling shells and Manimo heavy comforting stuffed animals. These items promote concentration and therefore learning. A Quebec company, fdmt, was asked to accompany us.

On the other hand, games and devices to support the development of attention span and logic were also requested. An example of this is the drawing tablets with LCD screen. These games and devices were purchased at La Ribouldingue boutique located in Vaudreuil-Dorion.

The Foundation purchased the items on the dream list from the two companies mentioned above. All this to support the educational and social success of the children of the school who are on our list of children in vulnerable situations.

The delivery took place at the beginning of September, in time for the beginning of the school year.

The photos give you an idea of the contribution. This has made it possible to turn dreams into reality for these students.

Thanks to you and your donations, we were able to help these children.

It is our turn to thank you 🙏🙏🙏


Photo legends

  1. Nadine Trudel, Specialized educator, Pavillon St-Jean Baptiste
  2. Mélanie Miron, Specialized educator, Pavillon Ste-Trinité


Je donne

Oui, votre don change la donne!

Un vieil adage dit que ça prend un village pour élever un enfant. À la Fondation des enfants de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, nous croyons que le rassemblement de nos forces est une source importante de changements dans notre communauté. La FEVS soutient et appuie les efforts de prévention pour que tous les enfants de notre région aient droit à la chance de rêver, de réussir. Ne sous-estimons pas l’importance de donner. Ensemble, aidons les enfants à devenir.

Donner, c’est recevoir.
Nos enfants, c’est aussi notre avenir.


3031 De la Gare Boul.,
Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC J7V 9R2
450 455-6171 #70662


Together, let’s make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children in Vaudreuil-Soulanges. Let’s give them the chance to dream, to succeed, to become.